Cigre Australia

global know-how


A1 Rotating Electrical Machines


To facilitate and promote the progress of engineering and the international exchange of in­formation and knowledge in the field of rotating electrical machines.  To add value to this in­formation and knowledge by means of synthesising state of the art practices and developing recommendations.


The activities of this Study Committee cover economics, design, construction, tests, behav­iour and materials of turbine generators, hydro generators, non-conventional machines and large motors.  The relationship between electrical machines and the mechanical behaviour of coupled prime movers behaviour should be analysed.  In addition, behaviour of rotating ma­chines as the part of the power station and its performance in the power system will be covered in collaboration with other relevant Committees.

In order to respond to the future environment, different strategic directions will be followed.  The long term goal of asset management is the most effective operation of machines to op­timise performance, reliability and efficiency and to inform maintenance decisions through suitable diagnostics and understanding behaviour and signs of deterioration.


Each Study Committee oversees a number of Working Groups.