Cigre Australia

global know-how


In the Loop

Documentation Requirements Throughout the Lifecycle of Digital Substation Automation Systems


CIGRE Australia member Rod Hughes has convened this international Working Group culminating in the publishing of a 127 page Technical Brochure 628. The Technical Brochure can be obtained from CIGRE’s global document library system (e-cigre) as well as the short summary Electra magazine article (October 2015 edition).

The brochure provides a comprehensive understanding of the interrelationships of various documentation standards as well as the corporate, commercial and technical governance changes that are required with specifically Digital type SAS and how DSAS documentation is used by different users throughout the lifecycle.

The eight chapters are summarised in the attached link to the Electra article and the full Technical brochure includes five appendices covering supporting material and related links and references.

A copy of the Electra article can be found here.

The brochure can be downloaded from free to members.