Cigre Australia

global know-how


Cigré meeting in Cape Town

By ANC, 12 May 2014

Tagged Regional Conference

In addition to the range of activities held at the Cape Town Southern Africa Regional Conference the following events and opportunities for discussion and exchange of views took place:

  • A colloquium involving C1 (System Development and Economics), C2 (System Operation and Control) and C5 (Electricity Markets and Regulation)
  • A session on future challenges
  • A day of technical tours offering a tour of a pumped storage plant or a visit to the Koeberg nuclear power station.  Both these tours were well attended and presented  participants with an informative and the opportunity to discuss and ask specific questions of people operating the plant.       

Participants also organised a series of working group meetings on the following topics:

C5.11 Market design for renewables convened by Olivier Lavoine, France
C5.12 Generator market Power Mitigation convened by David Bowker, Australia
C5.13 Interaction of markets with emerging technologies convened by Andy Ott, USA
C5.14 Regulatory Incentives for Innovation in Electricity networks
C5.15 Risk management in Evolving Regulatory Networks convened by Adrian Ford, USA
C5.16 Cost of Electric Service, Cost Allocation methods and Residential rate convened by Angela Chuang, USA
C5.17 Capacity Markets: needs,solutions and state of affairs convened by Gerard Doorman, Norway